The Drama Club has been and remains one of the most promising club of the Cultural Committee, Jamia Millia Islamia. The Drama team has been bringing laurels and reverence to the University by their myriad acts. Tughlaq, Suryamukh, Lahore, Madandhta, Kashmir ki Kali, Moh-Maya, Commission, Shrishti ka Akhiri Aadmi, Oedipus:The King, to name a few, are some of its milestones.
Under the guidance of Convener Prof. Razi Ahmad Kamal and Co-Convener Mr. Shakeel Ahmad Khan, the Club has reached heights.
Its the onset of yet another spectacle by the Drama Club. "MiRAAS 2013", the jamboree, paves way for a National Drama Festival.
"THE THIRD BELL" is a National Inter-University Drama and Mimicry Competition which would gather participation from various universities. The rules of the competition are as under:
* NOTE : Registration in the
events should be made latest by 20th February, 2013.
Under the guidance of Convener Prof. Razi Ahmad Kamal and Co-Convener Mr. Shakeel Ahmad Khan, the Club has reached heights.
Its the onset of yet another spectacle by the Drama Club. "MiRAAS 2013", the jamboree, paves way for a National Drama Festival.
"THE THIRD BELL" is a National Inter-University Drama and Mimicry Competition which would gather participation from various universities. The rules of the competition are as under:
- Only one entry shall be accepted from each institute/college.
- The team should not consist of more than twelve participants (Max. 9 actors + Max. 3 accompanists).
- The plays can be in Hindi, English or Urdu. Entries in other regional languages will NOT be allowed.
- Time limit: Maximum 45 minutes (Including Stage-setting and Clearance). Empty stage to empty stage shall be followed strictly.
- Teams not adhering to the time-limit shall be disqualified.
- The participating teams shall bring their own set/stage property, make up material etc. Light and sound system shall be provided.
- Accompanists must work in the background, play upon musical instruments for background music or handle the lights. They must not appear on the stage.
- Participants should possess a valid Identity Card of their respective institute/college.
- The participating team must report at the Registration desk at least two hours before their performance.
- Judgment will be based on the following: theme, acting, stage setting, design and general impact
- Decision of the panel of judges will be final and binding.
- Each participant will be given 5 minutes to present his item.
- Participants may mimic sounds of machines and speeches of well known persons etc. including celebrities.
- Only one entry per Institute/College will be accepted.
- Participants will be judged on the follows criteria:
- Mimicry Skill
- Variety of sound and voice imitation
- Presentation
Important: Please scan and mail
the duly filled Registration Forms at
The teams will have to submit the original hard copies of the Forms on
the day of the Event.
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